Oak Root Fungus |
Oak Root Fungus (Armillaria mellea) At the present time some 36 distinct biological species of the genus Armillaria have been isolated and identified by plant patheologist. The genus is world wide in distribution and practically all woody plant groups are suseptible to one or several of the most common species of oak root fungus. Symptoms of Oak Root Fungus Generally speaking, trees which are infected with oak root fungus (Armillaria) decline slowly over a period of years, in some cases probably decades. Trees replanted in the same location can be re-infected and girdled in as little as two years from oak root fungus. The list of symtoms or conditions, some or most of which may be found associated with Armillaria infection, are not individually specific to Armillaria- they may be found on most unhealthy and stressed trees. So by themselves they are not definative, but on any dead, dying tree or stressed plant, they should sound an alarm and certainly justify a thorough examination by one of our tree doctors. Advance Foliage Thinning and branch Die Back
Following are some of the symtoms that might indicate Armillaria infection: reduced or stunted growth, smaller leaf size, chlorotic foliage, terminal tip or crown die back, sudden wilting or collapse, Loosening or separation of bark from trunk, Obvious overwatering and planting of moisture loving plants under the drip line.
White Mycelial fans from an Armillaria infected Coast Live Oak Add your comment |