Redgum Lerp Psyllid |
This insect was introduced into California in 1998. Within two years, the redgum lerp psyllid has killed thousands of the eucalyptus trees thoughout Southern California. The Redgum Eucalypus is the primary host but it can attack other species. The females lay the eggs incusters of up to 60 in each location on the leaves. The Redgum Lerp Psyllid feeds on the leaves by sucking the plant juicesĀ that are full of carbohydrates and water. They prefer to feed and lay their eggs on the young tender growth but you will also find them on the older leaves in heavily infested Eucalyptus trees. The eggs usually take about two weeks to hatch in warm weather and up to two months in cooler conditions. The waste of the insect is called honeydew which they use to form a structure called a Lerp. The lerps fall onto vehicles and walkways that cause a mess in the landscape. Heavily infestation of the redgum lerp pysllid on ecalyptus trees can cause severe defoliation. Extensive defoliation can weaken the trees leaving them more vulneralbe to bark beetle attacks.
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